Galeria del Paranimf
Barcelona, Spain
March 10th to 14th of 2014
33 x 6,5 x 5,5 m
Penique Productions comes back to its hometown with the
institution that gave it birth: Universitat de Barcelona, and, for the
occasion, the collective takes over the iconic Paranimf Gallery located
in the historic building of the University. The installation filters
daylight in a constant expression of reflections: lights and shades that
highlights the architecture in relation with the inflatable. The
installation displays different color tones as the day progresses,
highlighting its changeable uniqueness. The constant blue layer
throughout the more of thirty meters long merges with windows and
ornaments of the hall as well as redraws the majesty of the Paranimf
entrance, providing an intimate dialogue, turning them into the main
actors of this ephemeral show.